Professor Peter Terry and Julian Lim from the Psychology Department at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) are conducting a study to develop and evaluate a website to assess mood and provide relevant mood regulation strategies based on the pattern of responses to the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS). The BRUMS takes only 1-2 minutes to complete.

Participation is voluntary and you may withdraw at any stage. All information is confidential, and will only be viewed by the researchers. Results will be reported in a DPsych thesis and published in a psychology journal. Only group data will be reported in these documents. Your identity will remain confidential.

For further information about this research project, please feel free to contact:

Dr Julian Lim
Professor Peter Terry (Research Supervisor)
Clinical Psychologist Department of Psychology
University of Southern Queensland (USQ) University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
[email protected] [email protected]

This project has received Ethics Approval (H11REA023) from the USQ Psychology Department Ethics Committee. If you have any ethical concerns as to the conduct of this study, please contact: 

Ethics Officer
Office of Research & Higher Degrees
University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
West Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350
[email protected]

If you wish to take part in the study and are at least 18 years of age, please provide consent by checking on "I agree". By checking on "I agree", you agree to the following:

I have read the above information, and understand the nature and purpose of this research. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw at any time. I understand that the results of this study will be treated confidentially. The results will be reported only in summary form and I will not be identified individually.

 I agree